Pharma & medical solution

Pharmacol as distributor and wholesaler together with its network of partners in the whole region of South East Europe provides a complete service and offers solutions for pharma and medical market’s needs.

Driven by knowledge

Sales & marketing

Our sales team is built of highly educated professionals all with biomedical background and long time experience on the field.

Full logistic services

Pharmacol as distributor and wholesaler together with its network of partners in the whole region of South East Europe.

Regulatory affairs

Pharmacol provides full service of regulatory process from registration to reimbursement.

Our services

Services we provide to our clients.

Abilar® 10 %

Key points about Pharmacol

Our spirit

What makes us unique and special

Corporate social resposibility

Making a difference in the lives of others

World class service

Long term experience in diagnostic field

In May 2019, Pharmacol obtained certificates for ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015 after supervision carried out by renowned certification firm SGS Adriatica. – FOTO Certifikata

Territory Covered

Croatia, BiH, Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro


Zagreb, Croatia

Territory covered.

Pharmacol covers Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Slovenia

Every moment counts

time from establishment . .. ...


“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”

– Eleonor Roosevelt

For additional information feel free to contact us

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